Pavilion No. 3 in a new location. Changing the schedule of pavilion No. 4.

Pavilion No. 3

April 30 (Friday) - the pavilion is open until 18.00

from May 01 (Saturday) - the pavilion will operate in a new location in the Underground passage between BSU and BSPU named after M. Tank (50 meters from the exit from the metro towards the Institute of Culture).

The schedule of the pavilion at the new location is the same as before:
  • Monday-Saturday: 7.30 - 21.00;
  • Sunday: 10.00-21.00

Pavilion No. 4

from 01.05 (Saturday) - works on a new schedule:
  • Monday-Saturday: 7.30 - 21.00;
  • Sunday: 10.00-21.00
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