Paintings and murals in the interior, visualization

Визуализация картины в интерьере
Visualization for a unique interior
Paintings and photo wallpapers can become an important element in the design of your interior. The visualization service will help you choose them in the right style and choose a spectacular individual solution. Send us a photo of your interior to complement it with beauty and inspiration!
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Choose a picture frame
The best way to imagine how a painting will look in your interior is to take pictures and send us photos of your room or office for visual decoration. We will make realistic photos with different styles of painting in a baguette: we will select the profile of various collections, shades and sizes. All you have to do is choose the best concept.
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Choose wallpaper in the interior
Which photo wallpapers are better suited for a children's room? How will the wallpaper look in the bedroom interior? What kind of landscape, ornament or pattern will make your interior truly unique and irresistible? It is easy to choose the best idea together with the designer. We will prepare a design project for a photo of your interior and the use of different photo wallpapers in it.
Prices for the visualization of paintings, photo wallpapers - individual work of the designer:
The cost of design services depends on the time spent working on your order.

Level I (without searching for elements): creating a design layout based on one idea and ready-made materials: selecting a design from a catalog, arranging a font and ready-made elements up to 3 pcs., inserting photos, ready-made text blocks without font selection, without searching for elements.
Level II (search for up to 3 items): creating a design layout based on one idea with the selection of materials in a similar style: selection and layout of similar elements or font up to 3 pcs., inserting photos in a given order.
  • Photo on canvas in the interior, 3 simple placement options - from 48,00 rub.
  • Photo wallpapers - from 96,00 rub.
All design services:
  • Initial consultation of the designer, up to 15 minutes - 48,00 p.
  • Designer's work, file preparation, consultation, 60 minutes - 192,00 p.
  • Making adjustments to the designer's layout, up to 10 minutes - 32,00 p.
  • Search and layout of elements in a similar style, 1 pc. - 32,00 p.
  • Font selection in a similar style, 1 pc. - 32,00 p.
  • Background search and selection, 1 pc. - 32,00 p.
  • Layout of ready-made elements and fonts, up to 3 pcs. - 48,00 p.
  • Layout of text blocks, 1 pc. - 32,00 p.
  • Placement of photos according to a template, up to 5 pcs. - 48,00 p.
  • Placing photos individually, up to 5 pcs. - 96,00 p.
  • Preparing a layout using images from photo banks - 32,00 p.
  • Retouching, improve photo quality, background removal, photo coloring, 1 pc. - 48,00 p.| 96,00 p.
  • Preparing the file for printing, for approval, 1 page - 16,00 p.| 48,00 p.| 144,00 p.
  • Rendering, cutting contour, restoration of old photos - individually
For remote work, the price includes 1 correction up to 5 minutes, preparation of 1 page of the file for printing 5 minutes.

In order to get the best price and receive the order promptly, prepare the following data for your layout:
  • interior photos
  • images, paintings to insert
With us, you get a professional layout design quickly, reliably and conveniently.
Remote order fulfillment and online operation are possible.
More than 20 years of experience in the printing industry. We work seven days a week.

Make an appointment with the designer by phone. +375 17 3 290 295 or send the order description files
Your project files
Max file size - 200 MB.
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We will respond to you within three business hours
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The price of urgent production

You may need to finalize the layout

Free mail delivery in Belarus from 75 rubles.

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