Binding of documents, diplomas, books

Order binding of documents
You can order a printout of bound documents on our website or in service centers.
We will perform an urgent binding of your term papers, presentations, brochures. We will promptly make binding final qualifying papers, dissertations, doctoral papers and other materials. Here you can order various types of document booklets that are best suited for your office, accounting, home library, as well as studies and research. Convenient and durable use of the binding is ensured thanks to high-quality materials and the work of qualified personnel.

Choose the type of binding for your documents:
  • On the spring - convenient and budget stitching on plastic and metal spring
  • Hardcover with metal spine and hard covers, indispensable for binding theses and master's theses
  • Soft - a paperback book looks like an edition printed in a printing house
  • On the bracket - an economical type of binding for catalogs, manuals, documents with a small number of pages
  • C-bind - binding with a metal spine and plastic covers is suitable for both educational work and business
  • Archival is an excellent solution for binding a large number of archival documents
  • The binder is a universal binding option, suitable for both small and large documents

Binding of works urgently and to order
We will perform various types of binding urgently and to order at affordable prices, circulation discounts up to 65%. If necessary, we will provide advice on choosing the best option for binding documents. 
  • Spring
  • Solid
  • Soft
  • Bracket
  • Other


Binding on a plastic or metal spring - individual sheets together with the covers are perforated and put on the spring. The most commonly used covers are made of plastic - translucent upper and dense lower. Prices
Name/Quantity1 - 1920 - 4950 - 99100 - 199>199
A4 spring plastic (without cover) up to 50 sheets (D=6, 8, 10)3,52,662,321,91,33
A4 spring plastic (without cover) up to 120 L (D=12, 14)42,882,582,151,9
A4 spring plastic (without cover) up to 220 L (D=16, 19, 22)5,94,483,953,52,88
A4 spring plastic (without cover) up to 300 L (D=25, 38)6,955,474,944,483,58
A4 spring plastic (without cover) up to 400 L (D=45, 51)10,68,227,476,795,45
A3 spring plastic (without cover) up to 50 sheets (D=6, 8, 10)4,12,932,352,151,9
A3 spring plastic (without cover) up to 120 L (D=12, 14)4,853,582,932,842,32
A3 spring plastic (without cover) up to 220 L (D=16, 19, 22)7,155,524,954,483,92
A3 spring plastic (without cover) up to 300 L (D=25, 38)8,26,796,085,464,88
A3 spring plastic (without cover) up to 400 L (D=45, 51)13,3510,8810,239,198,21
Name/Quantity1 - 1920 - 4950 - 99100 - 199>199
A4 spring metal (without cover) up to 80 sheets 80 g/sq.m (D=6,8,9,11)4,43,052,542,151,9
A4 spring metal (without cover) up to 100 L (D=12, 14)5,13,843,172,842,15
A4 spring metal (without cover) up to 120 L (D=16)9,88,217,637,356,57
A4 spring metal (without cover) up to 170 L (D=22)11,79,839,38,677,63
A4 spring metal (without cover) up to 220 L (D=28)13,311,4110,910,329,3
A4 spring metal (without cover) up to 300 L (D=38)1614,7614,2313,0610,9
A3 spring metal (without cover) up to 80 sheets 80 g/sq.m (D=6,8,9,11)5,253,613,172,842,15
A3 spring metal (without cover) up to 100 L (D=12, 14)5,94,353,923,52,88
A3 spring metal (without cover) up to 120 L (D=16)11,79,839,38,677,63
A3 spring metal (without cover) up to 170 L (D=22)11,79,839,38,677,63
A3 spring metal (without cover) up to 220 L (D=28)15,913,6113,0612,5311,41
A3 spring metal (without cover) up to 300 L (D=38)1614,7614,2313,0610,9
Name/Quantity1 - 4>4
A4 top cover (transparent plastic)2,152,15
A4 bottom cover (plastic)2,052,05
A4 bottom cover (cardboard)2,152,15
A3 top cover (transparent plastic)3,93,9
A3 bottom cover (cardboard)3,93,9
Prices are given for binding sheets with a density of 80 g/m.
Order a spring-bound seal here.
Get additional information by phone. +375 17 3 290 290 .


A hardcover is a hardcover book. Pages and covers are fastened with a reliable clamping channel. It is most often used for stitching, binding diplomas, master's theses and other hardcover books. Prices
Book size up to 300 liters . A4/up to 120 liters. A5*34,931,924,5
Book size up to 300 liters . A4 embossed on the cover (red, blue) "Thesis", "Graduation project", "Master's thesis".39,936,433,3
Landscape up to 120 liters A4*62,955,549,2
Landscape up to 300 liters. A3*68,260,2551,35
* The price includes a color cover (blue, burgundy, green, black).
Prices are given for binding sheets with a density of 80 g/m. Get additional information by phone. +375 17 3 290 290 .

The inscription on the cover (thermal transfer film, 1 color)
Souvenir inscription, up to 5 words |26,00 rub.
Souvenir inscription, from 5 to 10 words |41,60 rub.
Souvenir inscription, more than 10 words |62,40 rub.
UV printing, full-color (print run/for 1 pc.) - see price page 12

Order a hardcover print here.
Get additional information by phone. +375 17 3 290 290 .


The softcover is an adhesive bonding of the printout sheets and the cover, the result looks like a book from a printing house or a glossy magazine. Prices
Name/Quantity1 - 12 - 45 - 910 - 2930 - 4950 - 99>99
A4/A5/A6 formats*17,215,311,27,66,25,64,7
The design, printing of the cover and the indoor unit are not included in the price.
* Technological features for A6 + 2,60 rub.
** Cutting is included in the price in the first column.
Spine thickness: max. - 35 mm (600 pages / 300 sheets 80 g/sq.m), min. - 4 mm (80 pages / 40 sheets 80 g/sq.m).
Get additional information by phone. +375 17 3 290 290 .


A reliable and simple binding on a bracket is performed using two metal staples that stitch the inner pages and the cover of the printout in the middle of the page spread. For the cover, paper of higher density is often used. Prices
Binding on A5 bracket with black and white printing 8 pages + cover 80 g/m, production time 48 hours3,433,251,851,82
Order a seal with a binding on the bracket here.
Get additional information by phone. +375 17 3 290 290 .


C-bind binding

C-Bind is a binding in which the sheets are fastened with a metal channel firmly glued into the cover. Prices
Name/Quantity1 - 910 - 19>19
A4 format, up to 120 sheets18,418,116,6
Get additional information by phone. +375 17 3 290 290 .

Archive binding

The archive binding is a block of sheets that is firmly sewn with threads with dense upper and lower covers. The spine of the archive binding is covered with bumvinyl. Prices
A5 book (regional paper 300 g/m, 3 rel., stitching with thread, adhesive spine)37,0335,0334,6733,28
A4 landscape (obl. paper 300 g/m, 3 rel., stitching with thread, adhesive spine)38,6135,8935,8934,5
A4 book (regional paper 300 g/m, 4 rel., stitching with thread, adhesive spine)40,0137,0436,2435,45
A3 landscape (obl. paper 300 g/m, 4 rel., stitching with thread, adhesive spine)55,0751,0650,2649,47
Get additional information by phone. +375 17 3 290 290 .

Bound in a folder

Convenient binding in a folder-folder.Allows you to delete or add new sheets yourself at any time. Prices
Name/Quantity1 - 9>9
Folder-folder is thin, up to 300 pages / 150 sheets 80 g/m21,6
Cardboard folder "Case" with ties 30 mm21,8
Cardboard folder "Case" with ties 70 mm2,52,2
Folder recorder 50 mm, up to 900 pages / 450 sheets. 80 g/m21,518,9
Folder recorder 75 mm, up to 1400 pages / 700 sheets 80 g/m25,322,8
Get additional information by phone. +375 17 3 290 290 .

Легко заказать, удобно пользоваться

Именно переплет превращает распечатку в окончательно оформленный документ
  • Приятно взять в руки - первое впечатление о вашей работе до 50% зависит от внешнего вида документа, в частности, от переплета. Для брошюровки мы используем профессиональное оборудование и оригинальные расходные материалы.
  • Изготовим срочно - большинство видов переплётов, которые мы предлагаем, выполняются за 3-5 минут, тиражные работы выполняются также максимально оперативно.
  • Доставим вовремя - доставим ваши переплеты курьером по Минску или почтой по всей Беларуси.
Our works
Binding of books, documents - hard, soft and other types

The Pencil Printing Center is located in the center of Minsk, next to the metro

Where are we located:

Minsk, Gikalo str. 3
 art.m. "Yakub Kolas Square"
near the Central Department Store

Polygraphy and photography. Large format printing. The baguette workshop. Design studio.

Work schedule:

Mon-Sat: 7.30 - 21.00;
Sun: 10.00 - 21.00.


+375 (17) 3 290 293

Minsk, Independence Square
 metro station "Lenin Square"
crossings at the entrance to the Stolitsa shopping center

Polygraphy and photography. Drawings, posters. Souvenirs and promotional gifts

Work schedule:

Mon-Sat: 7.30 - 21.00;
Sun: 10.00 - 21.00.


+375 (17) 3 290 291

Minsk, Bogdan Khmelnitsky str. 7
 art.m. "Academy of Sciences"
Behind the cinema "October"

Polygraphy and photography. Drawings, posters. Souvenirs and promotional gifts

Work schedule:

Mon-Sat: 7.30 - 21.00;
Sun: 10.00 - 21.00.


+375 (17) 3 290 297

star star star star star
There was a need to print text and make it into a book format (i.e., bonding without any springs, etc.). This site is the only one who could satisfy my needs. There were questions, of course, in execution, but quickly found a common language and decided all the details! thank you
About Product
Everything is done perfectly
About print
Print bright, the paper crisp and pleasant
star star star star star
Hello, I got everything, everything is whole, cups are on fire! Thank you so much to you and everyone involved, hugged and kissed everyone, good luck to everyone!
dead head
star star star star star
I used the printing services. I was very pleased. Prompt production of business cards. The delivery speed exceeded all expectations. The next day, the business cards were sent by mail. This is good news. Pleasant communication with the staff. High-quality printing. I will definitely contact you next time 👍👍👍👍 Thanks a lot ❤
The yolk is Kristina.
star star star star star
The pencil is the best place I've ever been. Not only the timing, manufacture, quality at the highest level, but also the attitude towards the customer! They will always take into account all your wishes, prompt you, help you. The price/quality ratio is 10 out of 10.
Elena Rakovets.
About Product
Everything is at the highest level
About print
10 out of 10
About delivery
10 out of 10
star star star star star
For the first time in my life, I made school photo albums, thanks to Irina Polyakova, everything turned out to be on top! She did the job quickly and efficiently, I couldn't have done it myself in my life. I took photos and edited them, and Irina beautifully posted them and picked up inspiring quotes. Parents are delighted, and so are the children. Her parent asked why we were published in Belarus and not in St. Petersburg, but after she received the album, the questions disappeared :)
Maltabar Anastasia.
About design
Super, concise and with attention to detail
About Product
It's great that we've also printed soft, hard albums. People with different budgets were able to get a lifetime memory)
About print
The print quality is super, the colors are very lively and bright!
About delivery
Irina was constantly in touch and completed the work even faster than stated, the delivery from Minsk to St. Petersburg took 4 working days. Everything came in one piece, each album is tightly packed in a bag and a bubble wrap with film so that nothing is scratched. The delivery was carried out in my hands to the door of the house. If you order something again, then only from you)
star star star star star
👍👍💯💯🔥🔥I placed an order 2 times. A large number, I corrected it myself in a "Pencil", they printed it out and sent it. The quality of the photo is cool, thick paper, they are sent without delay. I have Minsk-Gomel in 1 day. They sent it in the evening, took it in the morning. With all questions, nuances and other things, employees call up, write to the mail, help. The attitude towards customers (in my case) is excellent. I definitely recommend contacting Pencil, because they have: service + quality of work + price=🔥
Anna Puseva.
About Product
About print
About delivery
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